Knitwear Manufacturers


Saas Tech Fashion is the best Best Knitwear Manufacturers company in Bangladesh. The garments industry is one of the biggest and essential industries in our country. A knitwear manufacturer is a person or company who produces goods from raw materials by using various tools, equipment, and processes and finishes the processing and sells them to customers, wholesalers, distributors, And retailers.

History of Manufacturing:

A knitwear manufacturer is a person or a registered company that makes finished products from raw materials in a bid to make a profit. The goods are later distributed to wholesalers and retailers who then sell to customers. Manufacturers are the most important parts of the garments Industry. Without a manufacturer, the industry can never produce good products or clothes. A long time ago a manufacturer was a single skilled man who used to produce single products or goods in the best way. Each manufacturer kept the secrets of the production and transferred the knowledge only to apprentices. The Industrial Revolution was the introduction of new technologies that enabled the mechanization of production, which increased the volume of the goods produced. At the beginning of the 20th century, manufacturers were turning to mass production to make goods. In this era manufacturing is an essential part of a prosperous economy. Manufacturers are associated with mass production. Technological advancements help the manufacturer to produce good production, as well as improve overall efficiency and productivity.

A manufacturer must have some qualities:

  • Access to Skills, Technology, and Capabilities.
  • Access to component technologies.
  • Access to design systems.
  • Access to process equipment.
  • Access to workforce skills.

Types of Manufacturer:

Made to Stock knitwear manufacturer: Made to Stock knitwear manufacturers produce enough products and store the manufactured cloths before their final sale. This process’s success depends on the ability of the knitwear manufacturer to forecast the market demand correctly. If the products are removed from the actual demand, it will face under- or over-production for that reason the company can face some losses. That’s why the made-to-stoke manufacturer has the most important parts to complete.

Made-to-order knitwear manufacturer: This section is also like a made stoke sector, made to order manufacturers produce knitwear only if they receive orders from customers or the garment’s own production team to make their design. The process of making production eliminates the necessity to forecast future demand for the products. MTO businesses have no chance to face overproduction or the process of company losses. But the MTO manufacturers have to face a long time between the initiation and completion of an order. In this process, a sudden increase in the current product demand can put additional pressure on the operations, which can take even higher times.

Made to assemble knitwear manufacturer: Made to assemble manufacturers initially create the basic parts of a final good that can be quickly assembled when an order from a customer is received instead of immediately producing final products or cloths. MTA production reduces a lot of times for customer orders. The business could face lower demand for certain types of basic parts, but this process never faces a simple loss for the company or the production team and always update the right amount of products and update its products according to the market demand.

Knitwear is clothing that has been knitted by a knitwear manufacturer. Knitwear is a lower-paying associate industry. Knit fabric is a textile that results from interlocking yarn together with long needles.

Knit fabric has two categories:

Weft knitting: Weft knitting is a knitting process of the loops run back and forth.

Warp Knitting: Warp knitting is a process of the loops run up and down.

Knitwear manufacturing process:

Yarn/Thread Collection: A knitwear manufacturer has a clean idea about yarn and which yarn is best for knitting clothes. Basically, the yarn collection depends on the buyer’s instruction or suggestion about the yarn. So the buyer chooses the yarn for making the knitwear clothing.

Winding yarns: Using the winding machine the knitwear manufacturer winds the yarn which are stored for the products of knitwear garments clothing.

Yarn Distribution: After the winding process is completed the knitwear manufacturer sends the yarn to the distribution center. From here, the yarn is distributed to the knitting floor. The manufacturer also noticed that yarn distribution should be perfect for the correct gauge knitting machine.

Start the Knitting process: According to the buyer’s provided sample, the manufacturer starts knitting clothes.

Online inspection of knitting panels: After knitting, knitwear manufacturers send clothing to the inspection team to check the products online.

Linking of panels: By using the linking machine, all the panels are joined according to the buyers providing samples.

Online inspection of linking panels: After linking all the panels, it’s checked by online to find any mistakes or problems.

Trimming: In this process knitwear manufacturer loose yarns are trimmed by using the trimmer.

Light Checking: In this process the knitwear manufacturer checked the clothing using a light checking machine. 

Mending: If found any knitting defects, then the knitwear manufacturer repaired the defective products with the help of a needle.

Washing: Garment washing is important to remove dust from the fabric. This process costs much because most of the fabric needs to wash. The garment doesn’t use to wash the cloth. If the buyer requests to wash the cloth and pay for the washing cost then the garment washcloths or the fabrics.

Iron and Packaging the goods: Ironing and packaging is a part of Garments Manufacture. After making the products ready, Ironing makes the product look good and attractive. The packaging is the final step to making the products ready to deliver.

Canceling the defective product: The review team will complete the final inspection and if they find any defective product, the team will cancel it and also send a list of canceled products to the management team. The management team will collect the defective products and will also try to solve the problems as soon as possible.

Storing the faultless and accurate product: After canceling the defective products, the review team will store the faultless and accurate products for delivery to the buyer. They also make a list about how much of the products are exactly accurate to deliver and also send the list to the management team. The management team will collect the accurate products and make arrangements for the product shipping.

Cartooning Goods: Completing all steps before delivering the products, cartooning the good is an essential part of Garment manufacturing. Cartoon used to minimize the damage of the garments. Every garment has its cartoon design, according to the buyer’s instructions. Some buyer likes to make the cartoon according to their company name or logo, so the garments have to arrange or manage the cartoons according to the buyers’ demand.