We Have One Goal

To Provide The Highest Quality
apparel design and manufacturing.

We are a young buying agency based in Bangladesh, driven by innovation and led by professionals with decades of industry experience. We believe our biggest asset lies in the relationships we maintain with both our international clientele and local manufacturers, as it reflects upon the quality of work we do and shapes the ultimate outcome for our customers. Our catalogued database is specially designed to pair up customers with manufacturers with an expertise in that particular kind of product which results in a reduced lead time and a more fruitful outcome. To meet the ever-changing needs of the apparel industry, we strive for creativity, new ideas and their practical success.

Our Vision

We put in great effort towards maintaining a high level of integrity in a business that is marred with problems, delays and human errors. As the gatekeepers of controlling and avoiding errors, our team members work long hours to ensure timely responses and to minimize problems. Our model is simple yet different. We believe in sharing ownership with our team members, thus providing them the incentive to rise to their best ability, in turn, minimizing complacency and bureaucracy in the work place. Our owner operated offices have a commercial approach yet conform to our internal systems both operational and in maintaining SAASTECH FASHION. We are global yet affordable, large yet personal, most of our customers have been with us for long time and our exponential growth in the last two years has taught us that we need to manage our business even better. While we inspect and source goods for our clients, We have made it essential to continuously introspect and source capable team members so that in the near future we become more efficient and responsive to the changing world of sourcing. SAASTECH FASHION is committed to and believes in investing in social compliance, state of the art management and client information systems.

Our Mission

Our employees are the foundation of our business, enabling us to deliver on everything we do as a supplier, customer and partner. We have always been committed to equipping our people with the tools they need to reach their full potential – so that we in turn can reach ours as a company. We deliver the optimum levels of service, quality and price through our unique customer partnership model and commitment to long-term synergies. As a member of the Hirdaramani Group, we have a deep-rooted legacy in building successful and long-lasting customer relationships.